What We Do

*All Kinds of Things

Engagement Survey

A good place to start – a consultation with the Captain to develop a tailored, anonymous survey that all crew complete online. Individual answers remain private, an evaluation report for the Captain provides an overview of how crew are doing individually and collectively.

See our blog to get more details.


Working with internationally acclaimed professionals, we offer a range of online and onboard workshops:

  • Leadership: Focusing on the skills required by Captains and HODs to promote modern, effective leadership.
  • Wellbeing: For all crew to enhance personal wellbeing, resilience and health.
  • Culture: Team building exercises to develop a collective onboard culture that reflects the values, vision and goals to foster a positive and productive work environment.

These workshops are tailored to your specific needs and preferences, based on the consultation we conduct beforehand. We aim to deliver engaging and interactive sessions that will inspire growth, and development.

Data Analysis

Using professional standard equipment, we monitor stress, sleep, exercise and recovery and provide a 1:1 consultations and personal development plan.

One to one mental health support

One to one mental health support with our industry experienced qualified consultant. We can offer support to crew and to their families.

Crew fitness and training

Onboard/offboard training, and health advice from our qualified personal trainer, also industry experienced.

An Extra Note

Sageseas is here to develop, evolve and to provide services that Captains and crew will find value in. We have loads of new ideas moving forward, but are also open to suggestions, so please don’t hesitate to contact us with any proposals or requests that you might have.

Engage Sageseas to

Ensure Optimum Safety

Sageseas understands that onboard safety is critical. A healthy, well trained and unified crew is essential to the successful implementation of safety management systems that are in place.

Demonstrate Commitment

By engaging Sageseas you will be making a commitment to the promotion of positive mental and physical fitness of your crew, opening lines of communication and encouraging best onboard working practices.

Improve Crew Retention

Retaining crew is forever more challenging, and recruitment of suitably trained replacements difficult and costly.

Develop Onboard Wellbeing Policy

Recent industry survey results indicate that definition and clarity of onboard policy and procedures could be improved.

Who Benefits?


Retain a consistent, loyal crew with familiar, friendly faces, who know your specific preferences and needs. Reduce crew turnover and the costs and inconvenience incurred.


Come onboard to a committed and happy crew, who work as a team with a unified goal to deliver an excellent, personal service.


A happy crew is a loyal crew. With Sageseas, you can create a positive work culture that fosters job satisfaction, with happiness and fulfilment on board.


Experience invaluable, dedicated shoreside support to develop onboard policies, procedures and to enhance crew morale.


Reassurance that your supported and professional crew comply with the highest industry standards, reflecting positively on your organisation’s reputation.
Want to learn more?
Let’s talk >